Saturday 8 August 2020

Making Stylus for FREE

Making a stylus or touch screen pen home without spending even a single penny is actually a big help for many people. The need of a teacher facing problems these days at home while teaching is the foundation of this idea being shared with you.

Enjoy learning and don't forget to share with as many as possible facing the same problem must get the solution in easy way and should enjoy learning and teaching while staying at home or in field.

Click on the link to watch the video: Stylus

Using Google Forms

Online test or assessments whether MCQs or short answer type questions.

The solution is one and only Google forms, the easiest and best way to conduct every type of assessment or project work online. Once, Link sharing is done with the group, thousands of responses can be viewed and analyzed. The best approach now a days for involving students and peer group by online activities through is Google Forms.

Here is the link of video: Google Forms

Ch-9 The Virus

Viruses Concepts-1 Viruses Concepts-2 Viruses Concepts-3 Viruses Concepts-4 Ch-9 The Virus Answer Keys Ch-9 The Virus Worksheet Ch-9 The Vir...